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000816_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Sat Oct 14 06:26:17 1995.msg
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Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 09:18:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joe <vidjunk@yakko.cs.wmich.edu>
To: Joe Tracy <rtracy@gears.efn.org>
Cc: Toaster@mail.webcom.com, Lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: (lawsuit)
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I was never told a number of things by NT about my flyer prebook and
purchace. I was never told when I prebooked that the system would not be
done when I was suppposed to take delivery many months before the actual
delivery date promiced. Once the delivery bull was going down I took
delivery of an "in construction" version that was descibed in a letter to
not do certain things. It didn't do those things and didn't do many more
4.0 was supposed to be the stable, bug free version. 4.1 is just and ass
umbrella for their initial incompetance.
NT turned to shit about a year ago. It used to be about the finest
company I have ever dealt with. Now it is about the worst I still deal
The fact that they advertized a video system that used "lossless
compression" and a non-linear editor that obviously wasn't developed by
anyone who actually edits more than home movie transfers was an
indication of where the company was heading.
Lossles compression: sounded great and like a real breakthrough. Now I
am told that the Perception, a Motion JPEG compression device, has
cleaner output and is what I whould be having for high end work. How can
jpeg be better than Lossless compression? Easy, they lied.
I had to put up a lot of money for nine months before I could get an
animation to video clip at HQ5 and now I am told the percption looks better!!
I will admit that the sequencer initerface is better than any other box I
have looked at and not having to render dissolves is nice but I still
feel taken advantage of.
I deleted the flyer LW 4.0 version and went back to using 3.5 so I could
PERKS OF BEING ONE. Sure I want to use all the new features. I said
use, not test. Also I want to render out the cool scenes that those new
features give me in a reasonable lenght of time, at least as fast as
before. flyer LW 4.0 is just a pig. When it is done, bug free (they
couldn't even make the requestors work right) and optimized for my amiga
040 systems, I will use it. Until then, sorry I have work to do.
Two more little things. I am happy to own two quantum atlas 2 gigers
that will do HQ5 over the entire surface but for the first two month of
owning them, I was seeking legal advise and feeling very ripped off. Now
I am happy that I couldn't afford thos microp 9er's. this whole thing
has been stressfull enough without that situation also.
Blowing off Lee Stranahan has got to be about the stupidest thing they
have done in all this.
Joe Freeman the Video Junky vidjunk@yakko.cs.wmich.edu
"You fucked up, you trusted us." Animal House
Joe <vidjunk@yakko.cs.wmich.edu> sent this message.
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